Saturday, January 25, 2014

“A Preppers Manual - Overcoming While Living In A Hostile World” – Part 2

4.  Thyatira- Overcome The Secret Attacks.  The church at Thyatira was a busy church.  Jesus even commended them for doing more than they had done at first.  But in their business there was one major problem.  They were tolerating “that woman Jezebel.”  Evidently, there was a woman who was operating in a demonic spirit labeled “Jezebel” after the famous Jezebel in the Old Testament.  This spirit attacks the Word of God and the prophet or proclaimer of the Word. 

The result of this attack is that believers are led into idolatry and sexual immorality.  (Do you see a pattern here- idolatry and sexual immorality?)  Those caught up in this deception receive a judgment.  Note that “deep secrets of satan” are said to have been held by some of the believers.  While this can refer to some very specific dark things, the root of the “deep secrets of satan” is thinking we can continue to practice idolatry and sexual immorality privately while publically being a witness for Jesus. 

Overcomers are those who not only overcome the public outside attacks of the enemy but also overcome secret, private attacks.  The ones that no one knows if you overcome them or not.  Except that Jesus knows and rewards come based on the secret obedience we give Him.  Kingdom authority is only shared fully with those who overcome even the secret things of the enemy.

5.  Sardis- Stir Up Passion.  Sardis had fallen asleep with spiritual apathy.  No specific reason is given but the remedy Jesus gives is very revealing.  He says to complete their deeds.  Not obeying to the end is not obeying.  Partial obedience leads to a weakening of spiritual strength and foundations.  These folks were told to go back and finish what they had started.  They were to remember what they had been told to do, obey it completely and change their patterns of incomplete obedience. 

There is an old saying that “faith that fizzles at the finish was faulty from the first.”  When times get hard, it’s easy to start and then find reasons not to finish.  This indicates a spiritual slumber that comes over our spirits.  It dulls us to the prompting and empowering work of the Holy Spirit.  Walking in simple, complete obedience to Jesus enables us to walk with Him in the white robes of the overcomer.

6.  Philadelphia- Keep On Keeping On.  This church is unique because it is the only one that Jesus does not give a correction or warning.  This church is right where Jesus wants them, doing what He has told them to do.  He has opened a door for them to build His kingdom and they have walked through it.  Yes, they are tired.  Yes, they are wearing down in strength but they are not giving up.  Jesus tells them to continue to patiently endure.  While they are “keeping on keeping on”, Jesus says they are also being delivered from further trails they don’t even know about.  He encourages them that He is coming soon so hold on to what they have in Him. 

Simple, patient endurance is the mark of true overcomers.  We sometimes get our eyes on ourselves to judge how much strength we have or how we are doing.  Jesus tells this church, who He says has “little strength”, that they are right where He wants them to be…hold on…and it will turn out for their best and for the glory of Jesus.  Just because we are wearing down doesn’t mean we are wearing out.

7.  Laodicea- Go For Intimacy With Jesus.  This church makes Jesus sick at His stomach.  They aren’t hot.  They aren’t cold.  They are just lukewarm and He wants to spit them out of their mouth.  This church was not passionate about Jesus nor were they passionate against Jesus.  They were self-deceived thinking because they had material wealth that they were rich and needed nothing.  The abundance of material things had blinded them to their true spiritual condition.

The answer though is not to just get rid of the material things.  Materialism is not the possession of material things.  Materialism is thinking spiritual needs are fulfilled with material things.  It is living like we are living in a material world and we are only material people (no reference to Madonna).  The answer is to open up our heart’s door and seek intimate fellowship with Jesus among the community of believers.  The verse that says, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock” is applicable to unbelievers but it is first addressed to believers who are numbed by materialism.

So there you have the basic necessities for being an overcoming messianic community in a hostile world.  Let’s review them all:

-       Keep Returning To Love
-       Decide It’s Better To Die Faithful Than Live Denying The Faith
-       Don’t Be Blinded By Tolerance
-       Overcome The Secret Attacks
-       Stir Up Passion
-       Keep On Keeping On
-       Go For Intimacy With Jesus

To the overcomers,

John P. Holsey, fellow prepper

Friday, January 24, 2014

"A Preppers Manual- Overcoming While Living In A Hostile World"- Part 1

“Preppers” are people who seriously prepare for the collapse of civilization.  While watching a TV show with my grandson, it struck me that these folks were preparing for the unknown by stocking up on what they believed were the basic necessities of life.  It occurred to me that in Revelation 2-3, Jesus shares the basic necessities of life with the seven churches who lived in and faced a real collapse of their civilization.  Each church is commended for a strength and then given a warning of something lacking.

The messages to these churches uncovers the basic necessities to continue being the messianic community even under the worst of circumstances.  Because when hard times come, religion built on traditions and maintained by legalistic rules shows itself to not be life-sustaining but rather life-draining.

The messianic community of Jesus followers in the New Testament is not a religion.  It is a living, organic community of people in relationship with Jesus and each other.   Jesus delivers messages to these messianic communities (churches) and in them He shares what is really basic, not just for survival, but for them to share in His victory and enforcement of His defeat of the powers of darkness.

Let’s look at these basics for overcoming as the messianic community while living in a hostile world.

1.  Ephesus- Keep Returning to Love.

This church had been faithful and resisted false leaders.  They had been true to the truth they had received through the apostles, holding up against persecution from the outside and deception brought on by those on the inside. 
Jesus lovingly warns them “you have left your first love.”  I think what Jesus is saying is that just “doing right” when things get tough is not enough.  We must also “be in right relationship” and for Jesus followers that means to stay in love.  If the messianic community is not living rooted in the unconditional love of Jesus…if we do not relate to others, even our enemies without demonstrating the unconditional love of Jesus…then we will be defeated no matter how sincerely we hold on to the “truth”.

2.  Smyrna- Decide It’s Better To Die Faithful Than To Live Denying the Faith.

Smyrna was the city where later the Bishop Polycarp became one of the famous Christian martyrs.  It was a city closely aligned with Rome who eagerly wanted to show their allegiance through emperor worship.  There was also a large group of unbelieving Jews who were eager to use Rome’s disapproval against the messianic community whom they considered against their God.

No nice platitudes here from Jesus.  He tells them plainly they will be persecuted even more than they have been but reminds them that it will come to an end.  His words to comfort and encourage them was to say, “Hang on no matter what.  And in the end you will not be hurt by the second death.” 

They have to make the decision that suffering even physical death for their relationship with Him is better than denying Him and suffering the second death- being eternally separated from Him and the messianic community.

3.  Pergamum- Don’t Be Blinded By Tolerance.

Jesus points out their toleration of the false teaching of “Balaam”.  In the Old Testament, Balaam tried to destroy the messianic community through teaching them to worship false gods which by definition leads to sexual immorality.  Jesus is warning this church against tolerating false teachers.  These false teachers lead them into compromise with the surrounding culture of emperor worship and temple prostitutes. 
Deceptive tolerance of false teaching and faulty presuppositions lead to enthroning other “gods” and usually show up with increased immoral sexual behavior.  Recall the old story of the frog who died by sitting in a kettle of slowly boiling water.  As the water slowly heated up, the unaware frog remained in the kettle until it was too late for the frog to easily hop out of the kettle.  The warning here is for the messianic community to not be afraid to identify any false teaching that runs counter to the truths of Jesus and His kingdom.

Stay tuned for Part 2,

John P. Holsey, fellow prepper